Can technology be used to grow healthy food, at scale, profitably?
City Greens was set up in the year 2017 to find an answer to this simple question. While setting up, we had given ourselves a timeline of 2 years - either find the answer or shut it down.
As is generally the case, the answer was not that simple - one problem led to another - and we continued on our mission. The rest, as they say, is history.
City Greens is India's most respected, most successful, and most awarded startup in the domain of Aeroponics, Hydroponics, and Farm Automation for Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) Farming. With award winning technology, multiple patents, 8.6 Mn in grant awards from the Govt. of India, and invitations to expand operations in their geographies from the Govt bodies in UAE, UK and USA, City Greens is changing the way farming is done globally.
Our Founders

Gaurav Narang

Shwaita Uniyal

Rahul Indorkar
We are not like bollywood (or hollywood) superheroes who had super powers and could do it all alone. We are humans, who needed support, and who felt despair and thoughts of giving up many a times. But it was for these superheroes who supported us, in our times of need, that we could achieve our dreams and made a difference.
Our Supporters

Anupam Jalote

IIT Ropar
